Ways to get involved with Project Waterfront.

Project Waterfront is an ambitious venture that calls for the support and involvement of individuals and businesses alike. Here are four simple yet impactful ways you can play a vital role in shaping the future through Project Waterfront

Financial Support

How: Investing in Project Waterfront is investing in the future of Newark Sea Cadets. Your financial support enables us to create a cutting-edge facility for the youth in our community.


Impact: Every pound contributes to building a space that nurtures leadership, resilience, and a sense of community in young individuals.


Action: Make a Donation below and be a key player in making Project Waterfront a reality.


How: If you have expertise in a trade or a specific skill—be it joinery, building, electrical work, or any other field—your specialized volunteering can play a crucial role in shaping Project Waterfront.


Impact: By contributing your professional skills, you enhance the construction and development process, leaving a tangible mark on the success of Project Waterfront.


Action: Offer Your Specialised Skills below and become a skilled volunteer. Your hands-on contribution ensures that Project Waterfront becomes a reality with precision and excellence.

Project Committee

How: The heart of the project lies in the Project Committee, where decisions are made and plans are crafted. Joining this committee allows you to actively participate in the planning and execution of Project Waterfront.


Impact: Your insights and ideas will shape the future of Newark Sea Cadets and leave a lasting impact on generations to come.


Action: Express Your Interest in joining the Project Committee below and be part of the strategic team behind Project Waterfront.

Spread the Word

How: Become a Project Waterfront advocate. Spread the word within your networks, share our updates on social media, and help us reach a wider audience.


Impact: Increased awareness brings more supporters and accelerates our journey towards making Project Waterfront a reality.


Action: Share on Social Media and help us reach those who believe in empowering youth through initiatives like Project Waterfront.


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